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Sella Carnizza

Geographic description: 46.35,13.333333

Province: Udine

Municipality: Resia

Locality: Sella Carnizza

Site type: Valico

Altitude: 1000 m a.s.l.


Geographic description: 46.35,13.333333

Province: Udine


Locality: Sella Carnizza

Site type: Valico

Altitude: 1000 m a.s.l.

Years of activity: 1999

Detailed data
Total ringed by year
Anno Catture totali
1999 64

Specie più inanellata in ultimo anno dati (1999): Pettirosso (19 individuals)

Most ringed specie:Pettirosso (19 individuals)

Number of ringed birds by year (graph by specie)

Total ringed birds for (1999)
Suggested citation: Progetto Alpi 1999 - extraction from dataset ISPRA - MUSE
To have access to the data please contact the station manager/s.
Nome comune Nome scientifico Pentade 43 Pentade 44 Pentade 45 Pentade 46 Pentade 47 Pentade 48 Pentade 49 Pentade 50 Pentade 51 Pentade 52 Pentade 53 Pentade 54 Pentade 55 Pentade 56 Pentade 57 Pentade 58 Pentade 59 Pentade 60 Pentade 61 Pentade 62 Pentade 63 Pentade 64 Pentade 65 Pentade 66 Pentade 67
Capinera Sylvia atricapilla 1 2
Cincia bigia Poecile palustris 2
Cinciallegra Parus major 2 2 2
Cincia mora Periparus ater 2
Cinciarella Cyanistes caeruleus 4 1
Codibugnolo Aegithalos caudatus 4 1
Codirosso spazzacamino Phoenicurus ochruros 4 1
Fringuello Fringilla coelebs 1
Luì piccolo Phylloscopus collybita 1 1
Merlo Turdus merula 3
Pettirosso Erithacus rubecula 1 2 5 1 10
Pispola Anthus pratensis 1
Regolo Regulus regulus 1
Scricciolo Troglodytes troglodytes 1 1 1
Tordo bottaccio Turdus philomelos 3 1 2